Most factories, e.g. shoes factories, China handbags factories, provide make-to-order business way, meaning, factories produce after customers’ confirmed orders. It is a fast way to finish a deal, and factories don’t have the pressure of stocking goods. The problem is, both buyer and seller lose time during the production of orders.
Unlike most China handbags factories, China TOP 10 leather handbags supplier That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory stocks goods to allow fast shipping. Recently issues a 24 Hours Shipping Guarantee as below:
“That Bag Shop stocks inventory for all leather handbags displayed on the factory-based online shop, except from discontinued and custom items. For all online orders, That Bag Shop guarantees 24 hours shipping. Discontinued models and customized handbags require MOQ of 10 pcs per color per style, and production after order confirmed.”
Consumers attach great importance to quality, price and service provided by leather handbags factories, though not equally. As a customer oriented company, That Bag Shop values customer feedback greatly and improves itself in quality, style development, color range, services, etc. all the time. The leather handbags factory realizes that customers are satisfied with quality and price, but have been hoping that delivery can be done faster. This is the reason That Bag Shop brings out a 24 Hours Shipping Guarantee.
Being able to stock goods of around 50 styles of leather handbags in different colors definitely demonstrates That Bag Shop a power seller. This requires funds, courage and consistence. The 24 Hours Shipping Guarantee will be testified to be a promise kept from every single online order from May 1st, 2011.
About That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory:
That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory is by no means a newcomer in the industry of real leather handbags and purses wholesale. That Bag Shop supplies trendy ladies leather handbags by top quality real leather and first class hardware, through its online factory showroom All wholesale orders of leather handbags and purses are offered with FREE OF CHARGE custom logo/private label design and embossing service.
That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory is by no means a newcomer in the industry of real leather handbags and purses wholesale. That Bag Shop supplies trendy ladies leather handbags by top quality real leather and first class hardware, through its online factory showroom All wholesale orders of leather handbags and purses are offered with FREE OF CHARGE custom logo/private label design and embossing service.