It was reported that a UK office leasing intermediary company allows employees to take babies to work, to avoid experienced employees’ quitting the job. The news has caused a heated discussion in That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Company. Some from this handbag factory agree allowing babysitting while at work, and some disagree.
After a meeting of the management levels, on May 20th, 2011, That Bag Shop general manager David Wand announced a new policy of allowing parents taking babies to work. “We value our employees. They are the wealth of the company, who have been done every effort to help develop our leather handbags business.” said David Wang, Marketing Manager of, “We will never hope to see that a valuable employee quit the job because of having baby. And allowing babysitting in the office is a good way to help solve the awkward situation: job or child.”
That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Company’s babysitting policy will be executed from on May 20th, 2011. The innovative leather handbags company has set a baby room, where parents can take the baby to the playing room during break time. For working hours, babies are allowed to be taken care of in the office area, while parents should assure work be done as always. The company has also hired a babysitter who can help with babysitting when it is necessary, such company meeting, emergency issues, etc.
The employees who already are or about to be fathers and mother, feel excited to get to know the company’s new policy. They expressed that they will definitely try the best to handle work and life. It turns out that though allowing babysitting might cut some of the employees’ working time, but the company seems will develop better.
About That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory:
That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory is by no means a new supplier in the industry of real leather handbags and purses wholesale. That Bag Shop supplies trendy ladies leather handbags by top quality real leather and first class hardware, through its online factory showroom All wholesale orders of leather handbags and purses are offered with FREE OF CHARGE custom logo/private label design and embossing service.
That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory is by no means a new supplier in the industry of real leather handbags and purses wholesale. That Bag Shop supplies trendy ladies leather handbags by top quality real leather and first class hardware, through its online factory showroom All wholesale orders of leather handbags and purses are offered with FREE OF CHARGE custom logo/private label design and embossing service.