Custom logo embossing on fashion leather handbags is a FREE service offered by factory-based leather handbags supplier It is a most popular value-added service as most customers would love to see a leather handbag they purchased with their own logos or brands.
Foreign trade business in China was done in quite a traditional way before 2008. Factories required quite a big quantity for leather handbags to have custom logos/private labels embossed. And it took a lot more time to produce the order and ship to customers. After the 2008 economic crisis, customers are now requiring custom logo orders for shorter term, less cost, lower MOQ and faster shipping. This is a phenomenon especially common for smaller leather handbags wholesalers, bag shop owners, handbag online traders, resellers, etc.
“The reason That Bag Shop becomes one of the TOP 100 most popular leather handbags online suppliers is that we are satisfying the up-to-date market’s needs.” said David Wang, General Manager of, “For example, we are now offering FREE custom logo embossing service for all leather handbags orders, no matter customers are buying just 1 bag, or 100 bags.”
The free custom logo / private label service is very popular among That Bag Shop’s customers, even for end users. Another good point of this FREE service is that it is totally up to customer.
a) There is no required quantity for the custom logo order.
b) It’s customer’s call to decide his or her order of leather handbags with or without custom logo/private label.
c) It’s totally up to customer whether to use his or her own custom logos or That Bag Shop’s branding logo.
b) It’s customer’s call to decide his or her order of leather handbags with or without custom logo/private label.
c) It’s totally up to customer whether to use his or her own custom logos or That Bag Shop’s branding logo.
A good service will absolutely benefit customers from every aspect and it would be customer’s call to decide to use or not. Free custom logo/private label embossing service offered by has been testified by many customers.
About David Wang and That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory:David Wang, founder and General Manager of That Bag Shop Leather Handbags Factory ( He started this leather handbags factory located in China insist the management theory of strict EU/US style and humane China style, which grows the company into a most popular and outstanding international online leather handbags wholesale business.